Key to searing gorge
Key to searing gorge

key to searing gorge

key to searing gorge

You can also take a run through the Valley of Spears and down to Mannoroc Coven to pick up the Mithril nodes there. Theres a good number of Mithril nodes in the sunken ruins round here and very few people mine them.

  • Desolace: grab yourself some underwater breathing potions and head to Ranzajar Isle.
  • Stonetalon Mountains: quick circuit of The Charred Vale can net you 10-15 Mithril ores.
  • grinding Timbermaw rep) then look out for a few Mithril nodes here.

    key to searing gorge

    Don’t go out of way to mine here, but if you happen to be in the area (i.e. Just before you get there, head south to Lake Kel’Theril and then follow the cliffs west all the way back to your starting point. Winterspring: start at the Timbermaw tunnel entrance and follow the cliffs to the east past the Hot Springs and all the way over to Starfall Village.Loop round to the north and back west along the coast past the Jagged Reef and then back down to the Lagash Encampment again. Azshara: start at the Legash Encampment and head east to the Bitter Reaches.Western Plaguelands: do circuits of the Ruins of Andorhal.Now just go around the south cliff face until your get past Jintha’Alor, then north up to Seradane and then west back to Aerie Peak. The Hinterlands: start at Aerie Peak and follow the cliff face to the south and east.If you start by the Master Dragonscale Leatherworker and head into the Ravine and loop round to the north and back out and south past Uldaman back entrance, then you’ll pick up a good amount of Mithril. Just do a circuit round it, taking in the Rock Elementals spawn point as you go. Also remember that at level 230, you can mine Dark Iron, so pick that up too.


    You can do what I do and do a full circuit of the perimeter of Searing Gorge, then drop down into The Cauldron and do a circuit of that (inside and outside). Searing Gorge: again, just do full circuits.Blasted Lands: just do full circuits, simple.

    Key to searing gorge